In which I write up my participation in Wilmington’s PIT count…
Read MoreFirst entry in months, putting up some old material on some interactions with heroin users in 2002 Kensington.
Read MoreIn which I celebrate the publication of our article on work and wages among a homeless population.
Read MoreA post in which an idea exits my head and lands here on the resemblance between a 50-year old area marked by alcohol and homelessness and a contemporary area marked by opioids and homelessness.
Read MoreQuick note on what I’m up to
Read MoreShort post on my guest blogging stint.
Read MoreFor all we laud the importance of work as a way out of poverty, nobody seems to pay much attention to work and earnings among the homeless population. Here I debut a manuscript due to be published in Cityscape in which we look at comprehensive earnings data and report the extent that homeless people work and how much they earn over a 20 year period.
Read MoreI'm speaking on homelessness among post-9/11 veterans in a webinar on Tuesday, March 13 from 1-2 (EDT). Please check it out.
Read MoreSome observations on homelessness from the trip to LA that I just completed.
Read MoreIntroducing a paper that Tyson Smith and I just finished looking at homelessness among veterans who have served since 9/11, including those returning from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Read MoreIn where I assess the extent of homelessness among veterans who have served in the post-9/11 era, including those deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Read MoreHere I adapt comments I made as a panelist at an ASC session last week into a book review.
Read MoreWhat can a count of Philadelphia's homeless veterans tell us about ending veteran homelessness?
Read MoreA policy brief on veteran homelessness in rural areas that I wrote (with a colleague) and was released this week.
Read MoreWriting, a bit belatedly, about a singular conference experience.
Read MoreThe markers of the seasons changing turn from long-held academic ones to more research-oriented ones. Here are some thoughts of again picking up a research proposal and returning to grant-writing mode.
Read MoreThis post features a pdf of my third brief piece on a facet of Philadelphia Skid Row, this time a little true crime piece looking at the "Canned Heat Wave" and Max Feinberg, Philadelphia's most prolific killer. This piece is yet to be published, so comments are welcome.
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