Welcome to my website.

This website is a means to introduce you to myself, my research, my writing, what I am up to, and my availability for contracting and consulting.  

Professionally, I am Director of the Center for Community Research & Service and Associate Professor at the Biden School of Public Policy & Administration at the University of Delaware. To find out more about what I do in these positions, how I got here, an overview of my research interests, and some other information about me, go here.

My research interests have focused on homelessness and housing. From there, my work has extended to institutions that intersect with homelessness, such as the military, jails and prisons, and child welfare. More on this work, such as my CV and free links to many of my publications and other materials, are available here and here.

In addition, I regularly engage in freelance projects (see the consulting section for more info).

Beyond that, this page is under construction as part of my giving the whole website a badly needed update. I’m rebuilding the site as I fly it, and fighting the overwhelming nature of this task by doing it a little at a time.

In spite of this, there is still a good bit of material on it that will get you better acquainted with what I do professionally. Please… look around and pardon the dust!